Client: Movement Laboratory
Category: Branding
Year: 2021

Movement Laboratory is a Physiotherapy and Pilates clinic based in Leichhardt, Sydney. They offer manual therapy and expert movement education. Their focus is on preventative healthcare and empowering individuals to take charge of their physical health through movement. In the projects below, I worked with them to strengthen brand identity, understand and connect with their ideal clients, and increase customer interaction, through brand redesign, social media content, and photography.

Logo Vision & Inspiration
After Founder of Movement Laboratory, Winnie visited the Silk Pavilion project by Neri Oxman in Milan, she instantly felt inspired and connected to it.
As we went through the design process together, we explored this inspiration further, to get to the crux of it, and find a way to incorporate it into the logo design.
Good logo design should be unique, somewhat simple, recognisable, and reflective of the brand personality and goals - considering this, I began sketching, working with ambiguous interpretations, until we got to the design you see now. We modified the colours used in the clinic, to bring these into other elements of the branding, using shades of blue and turquoise to symbolise growth, healing and calmness. The round shape illudes to continuity and unity, whilst the connecting lines give a sense of movement and reflect the webbing of the pavilion.
A note on the inspiration from Founder, Winnie: In short, it is biology marrying technology, allowing 6,500 silkworms to spin biological silk over robotically spun silk, adding integrity and tensile strength to a human-designed pavilion structure. The sun and warmth dictate where the material needs adaptation to give better shade and function. Instead of layering materials to suit functionality, it creates a continuous single-layer material with different adaptations at different sites.
Much like the human skin, where there is an adaptation of cells in different areas for different functions (eg. face vs palm vs back). 
Instead of a typical nature-inspired design, this is a design-inspired nature. I remember standing there in awe looking at this creation. It's beautiful, powerful and simply organic! "3 years on [from opening Movement Laboratory] I have grown as a clinic owner, and we have grown as a team. My direction for Movement Lab is different. My view on health has changed, and most certainly my role in patient recovery as a physiotherapist has changed. My team is much more than the core services we provide. We are still passionate dance physios, but we also focus on women's health, chronic pain, and complex pain patterns on top of everyday musculoskeletal injuries. We are driven when working with people whose 'pavilions' have become unhabitable. It became our mission to breathe some life back into it.
We also worked on photography, for social media, the website, and advertising purposes. This further aided the brand's positioning and provided customers with a better understanding of who the clinicians are, and what they offer.

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